By Étienne Lepage | Translated by Bobby Theodore
16 and Up
Running Time:
1 hr
2 M | 2 F
This translation was made possible by a grant from Canada Council for the Arts.

By Étienne Lepage
Translated by Bobby Theodore
Translaed from ROBIN ET MARION (Quebec, Canada)
“An explosion of youhfull passion…it’s pure, super charged with sensation… beautiful written…”
On aura tout vu, 98,5 FM
In this contemporary take on the french fable, while the adults sleep, the young in the forest chasing each other like wild animals. Love, revenge, confusion. A voyage to the end of night and desire.
This translation was made possible by a grant from Canada Council for the Arts.
ROBIN ET MARION (2012),Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui and Théâtre I.N.K.
Photo by Valerie Remise.

About the playwright
Étienne Lepage
“I’m not one to believe that theatre for young audiences should set an example. I believe in children’s intelligence, and in their ability to develop deep understanding when faced with a difficult issue.“ – Étienne Lepage, Playwright
Étienne Lepage (he, him, his) is a multiple Governor General Award nominated playwright, screenwriter, translator, and transdisciplinary creator. Based in Montreal, his work has been presented across North America and Europe. His other writing includes Rouge Gueule, L’Enclos de l’éléphant, Ainsi parlait.

About the translator
Bobby Theodore
Bobby Theodore (he, him, his) is a Canadian screenwriter, playwright and translator. He has worked mainly in television and theatre, and is most known for his translation of François Archambault’s 15 Seconds, for which he was nominated for a Governor General’s Award in 2000. In 2016 he is the host of the Glassco Translation Residency in Tadoussac, a retreat that allows playwrights, translators and adaptors from across Canada to develop their projects and exchange ideas with each other. Theodore currently lives in Toronto’s annex.
Translation Showcase

Translation Commission & Workshop: Robin & Marion
“This is a trigger event of passion for young people…it’s pure, it’s charged with sensation, it’s very contemporary, with beautiful language…” – Claudia Larochelle, On aura tout vu, 98,5 FM
English Language Premiere