What happens when we apply the Information and Communication technologies that allow us to reach across the world in the creation and presentation of live performing arts?

To test the beginnings of “a Global Practice” BoucheWHACKED! initiated an International Hive Workshop (London, UK) in partnership with CCTA-CHICAGO producer/ Steppenwolf Associate Denise Serna in August 2017.

Using The Climate Change Theatre Action as a global inspiration point, the workshop engaged participants from Canada, U.S.A., Spain, The United Kingdom, Italy, France and China. Some participated in London while other participated long distance.

Experiments we explored included Live Performance practices such as drama, dance, puppetry, physical theatre, game play, ensemble creation tested in practice with interactive online tools (polls, word clouds, etc.), social media, virtual reality, audio, film and long distance live communications.

Elements from this workshop will be included in the Climate Change Theatre Action in Chicago this November.

A special thank you to the East 15 Acting School for providing space and equipment. CCTA is a collaboration between the Center for Sustainable Practice in the ArtsNoPassport Theatre AllianceThe Arctic CycleTheatre Without Borders, and York University.

For more information or if you want to play a part in the Climate Change Theatre Action please visit their website at: www.thearcticcycle.org/ccta-2017
