International Creation – The Medusa Project USA
A Global Hive Labs. Creation

En Las Tablas Performing Arts
& Steppenwolf Theatre (Chicago, USA)
A Global Hive Labs. Creation:
Bouche Theatre Collective, ChezActors, fusion theatre, Pop Magic Production
Devised by the Chicago & International Ensembles
Directed and Faciltated by Denise Yvette Serna, Anna Donnell, Katie Merritt, Iman Kerroua, Carolina Migli-Bateson, Earl T. Kim and Jack Paterson
Movement Directed by Earl T. Kim | Access Coordinator Anna Donnell | Dramaturgy & Translation by Emma Pauly
Medusa is a multidisciplinary performance devised by an international ensemble of artists over one year, in four countries. Medusa celebrates the intersectional feminist revitalization of western mythology, the integration of accessibility design into the generative process, and the way social location affects participation in and interpretation of artistic experiences.
Featuring live music, dance, spoken word, multimedia and visual art, audiences will encounter Medusa’s journey, physical transformation, and isolation through all 5 senses.
Global Hive Laboratories integrates access design into the devising process from Day One. This includes thinking intentionally about how what we share can be experienced by different kinds people, and how to develop Accessible content that is present in every performance of a piece, rather than specifically assigned dates for those who would seek out those services.
Accessibility is intrinsic to our values as a collective and to the core of what we DO. We create an environment in which performers, directors, designers, playwrights, and audience members feel welcome to work with us and experience our productions. We can expect mistakes, shortfalls, and misunderstandings along the way, but if we go into providing access with open minds and hearts, we can always improve.
Chicago Ensemble: Terri Lynn Hudson, Melody DeRogatis, Jenn Geiger, Mari DeOleo, River Coello, and Electra Tremulis.
International Ensemble: Carolina Migli-Bateson, Alice Robbi, Elisa Ferrari, and Eliza Harris
Global Hive Labs.
GHL is an international collective and network of companies and artists working together in shared practice. Home countries of participating organizations and artists include Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, the U.S.A., Canada, Argentina, Brazil, and China.
Practices include International Devised Collaboration, Multi-Lingual, Multi Disciplinary and Physical Theatre approaches, Long Distance Technologies (use of communication Technologies in creation and presentation) and Active Access Design (integrating Access Design such as audio description, etc. as core creative elements).
A project is workshopped in multiple countries over the space of a year. Projects have premiered at Chicago’s Seppenwolf Theatre (U.S.A.) and London’s The Pleasance Theatre (UK).
