Global Hive Labs
Towards a global theatre
In 2017, Bouche was a founding member of Global Hive Labs., an international collective and network of companies and artists working together in shared practice. Home countries of participating organizations and artists include Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, the U.S.A., Canada, Ecuador, Brazil, and China.
Practices include International Devised Collaboration, Multi-Lingual and Physical Theatre approaches, Long Distance Technologies (use of communication Technologies in creation and presentation) and Access Design (integrating Access Design such as audio description, etc. as core creative elements).
GLH has identified the following as priorities:
-Engaging in International and Local conversation through Multi-Cultural, multi-lingual and shared creation practices
-Community Engagement and Access
-Providing voice to underrepresented communities and perspectives
Bouche has collaborated creativily and in production on every project.
International Practices

Founding Members
Bringing artistic community together
and re-imaging collaborative culture.
Active Access Design & Projects
“Accessibility as a springboard towards new forms of communication….as a creative challenge and experimentation with new languages.”
Redattore Sociale (Italy)
Imagine an essential moment from any production that moved you and ask: What (if any) element of this moment is inaccessible to an artist or audience? What is essential and how can we explore the same “experience” differently?
Working closely with stakeholders in the community, Active Access Design integrates Access tools and Cross Sensory Translation directly into the generative process, creating new space for creative engagement and communication.
International collaborations include:
- Towards a Global Theatre Digital Labs. (London UK, 2016)
- CCTA Chicago (USA, 2017)
- Medusa USA (Steppenwolf Theatre, 2019)
- Atlantide Italy (Tearo Trieste 34, 2020)
- Medusa UK (The Pleasance Theatre, 2019 & The Cockpit Theatre , 2020)
“…an arresting vision…
made with absolute agency. “
– Reviews Hub (UK)
“…an opportunity to proactively incorporate aspects of accessibility that can often go overlooked in more institutionalized arts organizations.”
– Chicago Reader (USA)
“…truly accessible…
an empowering contemporary perspective…“
– Theatre T (UK)
An educational video series on different theatre accessibility tactics produced by GHL with Aurora University senior Julia Petterson.
Global Hive Labs.