Podcast: Et si un soir

Et si un soir
by Lisa L’Heureux

In a grey apartment building, four characters live in a dreamlike space in which time moves forward without moving, sometimes in an offbeat and unsettling way. Written as a fragmented dream, this choral piece draws its inspiration from the night to dive into zones of human intimacy that are often hidden. Here, inaction, the moment that precedes the act, is the root of all tension.

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Et si un soir by Lisa L’Heureux
Published by éditions Prise de parole
Featuring: Marc-André Charette, Lisa Léger, Manon St-Jules, Caroline Yergeau
Sound Conception : Pierre-Luc Clément
Saxophone : Linsey Wellman
Realization : Transistor Média

Produced by Lisa L’Heureux in partnership with Transistor Média, Prise de Parole and Théâtre Rouge Écarlate

Produced with the generous support of:
Conseil des arts du Canada, Ontario Créatif, Prix littéraire Trillium 2019.