This season Bouche had the pleasure of facilitating workshops of Jack Paterson’s translation of of Martin Bellemare’s Western Gold: The Ballad of Georges Boivin and Johanna Nutter’s translation of Annick Lefebvre’s Barbed Wire with British Equity. Both these amazing francophone Canadian playwrights have been shortlisted for the Siminovitch Prize. Congratulations to all the nominees!
Martin Bellmare’s work was described as “dazzling formal mastery” and “virtuoso inventiveness” by the Prix Michel-Tremblay jury, A graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada French Language Playwrighting program. He received NTC’s Creation Award for La Liberté (2012) and Moule Robert (2017). In 2018, he received the Prix SACD de la dramaturgie francophone for Maître Karim la perdrix and the Prix Michel-Tremblay for Moule Robert.
Annick Lefebvre founded Le Crachoir, a company that examines the role of the author in the process of creating, producing and presenting theatre. She is the author of Ce samedi il pleuvait (Marc Beaupré, Le Crachoir, Aux Écuries, 2013), La machine à révolte (Jean Boillot, Le Préau / NEST-Théâtre, 2015), Barbelés (Alexia Bürger, Théâtre de Quat’sous et Théâtre La Colline, 2017) and ColoniséEs (René Richard Cyr, CTD’A, 2019). Her play J’accuse (Sylvain Bélanger, CTD’A, 2015) received the BMO Dramatic Writing Award, was a finalist for the AQCT Critics’ Award, the Prix Michel Tremblay and the Governor General of Canada Literary Award in 2015. Annick is currently adapting J’accuse for France (Sébastien Bournac, compagnie Tabula Rasa). Her work is published by Dramaturges Éditeurs.
This year’s winner of the Siminovitch Prize will be announced in a national, virtual ceremony on November 26 at 7 p.m. ET
Source: The Globe and Mail
Martin Bellemare
Workshop of Barbed Wire by Annick Lefebvre featuring JD Hunt, Stevie Skinner and translator Johanna Nutter (London UK & Montreal)
Workshop of Barbed Wire by Annick Lefebvre featuring JD Hunt, Stevie Skinner and translator Johanna Nutter (London UK & Montreal)
Workshop of Martin Bellemare's Western Gold: The Ballad of Georges Boivin with